Nigerian-based Danish aid worker, Anja Rinngren Lovén topped the OOOM 100: THE WORLD'S MOST INSPIRING PEOPLE list. Lovén, whose rescue of a two-year-old Hope, who was branded a witch by his family and left to die, touched the world and has topped this year’s OOOM 100 ranking of the world’s most inspiring people.
U.S. President Barack Obama is number 2, followed by actress and activist Charlize Theron. Pope Francis, Leonardo DiCpario, the Dalai Lama, Marc Zuckerberg, and Bob Dylan are in the top ten. OOOM's new issue is on newsstands from December 9, in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
She took to her Facebook account to share her excitement, the aid worker, however believe the award should go to her husband, David Umem and all the workers at the children's home in Akwa Ibom.